Natrona County School Board Chair Says He’s Sorry For “Moms For Tyranny” Post
Natrona County School District’s Board of Trustees Chairman Kevin Christopherson is apologizing for a social media post he made that characterized the local Moms for Liberty group as “moms for tyranny.”
Christopherson made his apology Monday night at the end of the Natrona County School District’s board meeting after a Casper resident read the post during the public comment part of the meeting.
The social media post made earlier this month endorsed four people for whom Christopherson supported in the upcoming school board election and called on voters to reject four others, including members of the Moms for Liberty Natrona County chapter.
Two members of the group sit on the board, and Christopherson referred to them as being “unhelpful” as the board does its business.
Christopherson said the post was meant to be “private.”
The post came to light when Casper resident Michelle St. Louis quoted it when she took the microphone for her 3-minute comment session while Christopherson sat close by at the board table at Kelly Walsh High School in Casper.
“Hey all, as you may know I am the chairman of the Natrona County School Board. I need your help,” Christopherson’s post reads. “We currently have two Moms for Liberty on the board and to put it nicely they are not helpful.
“The person they take orders from is running for a seat along with a slate of puppets. And if they manage to take control, well it will be terrible for the district and the kids.”
St. Louis said she would not read the names of those Christopherson urged people not to vote for or those he wanted them to vote for.
‘Don’t Share This Post’
A copy of the post shows that Christopherson advised those who received it to: “Please Do NOT!!! Vote for Sarah Bieber, Renea Redding, Shianne Huston or Albert Hall.” He wrote that his votes were going for “Kyla Alvey, Debbie McCullar, Dana Howie, Alex Petrino and Thea True Wells.”
“Thank you and please pass these names along to your friends but please don’t share this post, as I need to work with any that get elected, and the ‘moms for tyranny’ are angry enough already,” he wrote.
St. Louis questioned whether it was “tyranny” to “keep porn out of the library,” academic standards high or ensure district spends its funds to benefit children “and not administration.”
Local resident Sandra England also called out the social post as unethical.
“If a board member cannot stay neutral and work with other board members, they should step away allowing another to fill the position who can abide by the code of ethics,” she said. “Every school board member is elected by the voters for a reason, to guide educational policy concerning our children so they can become productive members of society.
“In closing I’ll advise: A. Keep it clean and B. Learn to play in the sandbox together.”