Chapter Leadership

Chapter Chair

Chapter Treasurer

Anne Berstler





Click below to access videos, articles, toolkits and everything you need to learn more about the issues facing parents and families. 




About Us

We are Moms, Dads, Grands, Aunt, Uncles, Friends

Moms for Liberty welcomes all that have a desire to stand up for parental rights at all levels of government. We are a non-partisan, non-profit 501 (c)(4) social welfare organization. We operate exclusively to promote social welfare and further the common good of the people of the community. 

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to instruct, inform and train parents so that they are better able to understand their children’s school curriculum, current trends and issues that affect that curriculum, and to use the knowledge to positively interact with teachers, administrators, and policymakers to improve our K-12 education system.

Our Mission

Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. 


How We Fight

Hold Leaders Accountable

We hold decision makers accountable or we work to replace them with liberty-minded individuals. 

Spread Awareness

We spread awareness and an understanding of the limited role of government.

Oppose Government Overreach

We stand together against government overreach and intimidation tactics.

Promote Liberty

We promote teaching the principles of liberty in our homes and community.

Engage on Key Issues

We engage our communities and elected leaders on key issues impacting our families.

Activate to Public Service

We activate liberty-minded leaders to serve in elected positions.




Our chapter has two types of membership available.

Voting Member ($35)

  • Pay an annual fee
  • May attend meetings & events
  • Able to vote on chapter matters including school board candidate endorsements in our county
  • Receive meeting minutes and full newsletters
  • May run for a role on the chapter's executive board

Associate Member ($0)

  • Zero annual fee
  • May attend meetings & events
  • No voting privilages
  • Receive newsletter highlights


How to Join Our Chapter - Video #1 ⬇️

Step 1 Go to 
Step 2 Click on Join the Fight (button)
Step 3 Complete the form fields, select the Northampton County PA Chapter
Step 4 Submit
Step 5 Check your email for the account confirmation 


How to Add Your School/s To Your Profile - Video #2 ⬇️

Step 1 Go to 
Step 2 Login to your account
Step 3 Click "Edit Profile" button
Step 4 Scroll down to section D)
Step 5 Select your district/s and schools/ 
Step 6 Click "Submit Changes"




Our Districts

Northampton County Pennsylvania has 8 school districts, each with their own school board. Please reach out to us if you are interested in being considered as a "district leader" in your school district. This is a volunteer role for someone who lives in the school district, regularly attends school board general and committee meetings in person and will speak or find likeminded residents to speak up at school board meetings. 

View District Websites/Schedules


 FREE E-Guides



 (Click on image 👆🏻 to get your copy)




Report Concerns

EDUCATORS, PARENTS AND STUDENTS: Is something happening in your school that doesn't sit right with you? 

Please share anything relating to such topics as Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Gender Theories, Critical Race Theory (CRT), sexually explicit or other inappropriate materials, indoctrination vs. education or anything else you feel is important to improving Northampton County Schools. You will remain anonymous.


Upcoming Events

    New event listings coming soon.
