HCSB Meeting Highlight - Monty Floyd …

Highlight from April 25, 2023, Hernando County School Board Meeting where Moms For Liberty - …

Hernando County School Board Meeting - …

This is a partial video replay of the January 25, 2022, Hernando County School Board …

Gender Ideology: What It Is & …

featuring Jay Richards, The Heritage Foundation

Book Banning - Why We Fight …

Parent Rights to keep sexually explicit and/or pornographic materials out of public school libraries has …


This award isn’t for us, but rather for the 130,000 moms, dads, grandparents, and community …

Moms for Liberty Founder Testifies in …

Moms for Liberty Co-Founder Tiffany Justice testified in the House of Representatives today about the …

Why We Fight: Sex Education in …

The public TV station in Peoria, Illinois was conducting a series of programs related to …

Sheri Super, Knox County Chair, speaks …

Sheri Super, Chapter Chair, speaks at the November 9, 2023 school board meeting and reads …

Speaker Nicole Solas' Presentation Regarding RI …

The Chariho Forgotten Taxpayers group was cofounded by President Louise Dinsmore and Clay Johnson. The …

Trouble at Narragansett High School

ON TODAY’S SHOW: Trouble in Narragansett High School! Was a high school student repeatedly targeted …